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  • Writer's pictureMatt Jones

Why Every Small Business Needs a Website: Don’t Rely Solely on Instagram and Facebook

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for businesses of all sizes. Yet, many small businesses in Yamba, Maclean, and Grafton still rely solely on Instagram or other social media platforms to connect with their customers. While social media is a powerful tool, it should never replace a dedicated website for your business. Let’s explore the benefits of having a website and the potential downsides of relying exclusively on Instagram.

Matt from MJ Web Design working on his computer

The Benefits of Having a Website

1. You Own Your Online Space

When you have a website, you own that digital real estate. It’s yours to design, update, and control. Unlike Instagram or any other social platform, where policies can change, accounts can be hacked, or pages can be shut down without notice, your website is a stable and secure platform that you control.

2. Credibility and Professionalism

A well-designed website lends credibility to your business. Customers are more likely to trust a company with a professional website than one that only has a social media presence. A website shows that you’re serious about your business and are willing to invest in its success.

3. Visibility and Reach

Having a website increases your visibility on search engines like Google, making it easier for potential customers to find you. With a website, you can optimise your content for search engines (SEO), which isn’t possible with social media alone. This expanded reach can lead to more traffic, more enquiries, and ultimately, more sales.

4. Better Customer Experience

A website allows you to provide detailed information about your products or services, showcase your work, and answer frequently asked questions. This creates a smoother, more informative experience for your customers, which can lead to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

5. Enhanced Marketing Opportunities

Your website can serve as a hub for all your marketing activities. You can integrate email marketing, run blog posts, offer special promotions, and much more. It’s a versatile tool that can grow with your business.

iPhone showing Instagram and Facebook apps

The Risks of Relying Solely on Instagram and Facebook

1. You Don’t Own It

One of the biggest drawbacks of using Instagram as your main business platform is that you don’t own it. Instagram can change its algorithm, suspend accounts, or even go out of business. If your account gets hacked or reported, you could lose your entire online presence overnight.

2. Limited Customisation and Control

Instagram offers limited customisation options compared to a website. You can’t organise your content the way you want or present your business in a truly unique way. A website allows for complete control over how your brand is represented.

3. Competition and Distraction

On Instagram, you’re competing for attention in a crowded space filled with ads, other businesses, and countless distractions. On your website, you have the customer’s full attention, allowing you to craft a narrative that truly resonates.

4. SEO Limitations

Instagram doesn’t help your business show up in Google searches. Without a website, you’re missing out on the opportunity to appear in local search results, which is crucial for small businesses looking to attract new customers in their area.

Is Instagram and Facebook Enough?

While Instagram is a great tool for engaging with your audience and showcasing your brand, it shouldn’t be the only digital platform your business relies on. A website provides stability, control, and a professional image that social media simply can’t match. Plus, with the right strategy, your website, Instagram and Facebook can work together to drive even better results.

Ready to Get Started?

If your small business in Yamba, Maclean, or Grafton doesn’t have a website yet, now is the time to invest. At MJ Web Design, we specialise in creating websites that not only look great but also drive results. Contact us today to discuss how we can help elevate your online presence.

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